Daily Routines Words with Pictures and Sentences PDF Worksheet For Kids and Students - துளிர்கல்வி


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Monday, May 2, 2022

Daily Routines Words with Pictures and Sentences PDF Worksheet For Kids and Students

List of Daily Routines in English 

have dinner, 

go to bed, get up, 

go to school, 

do homework, 

go to work, 

brush your teeth, 

have lunch, 

I wake up, 

I turn off my alarm, 

I take a shower / I have a shower, 

I get dressed, 

I comb my hair, 

I make breakfast, 

I eat breakfast / I have breakfast, 

I start work at 9,

 I answer emails, 

I work on my computer, 

I finish work at 5, 

I arrive home, 

I feed the dog, 

I cook dinner, 

I eat dinner / I have dinner, 

I watch TV, 

I read a book, 

I go to bed, 

I fall asleep etc.

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