5ஆம் வகுப்பு - மூன்றாம் பருவம் - ஆங்கிலம் - பாடம் 2 - WE ARE ONE - புத்தக வினா விடைகள் 5TH STD -3RD TERM - ENGLISH - LESSON 2 -WE ARE ONE - BOOK BACK QUESTION ANSWERS - துளிர்கல்வி


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Thursday, January 5, 2023

5ஆம் வகுப்பு - மூன்றாம் பருவம் - ஆங்கிலம் - பாடம் 2 - WE ARE ONE - புத்தக வினா விடைகள் 5TH STD -3RD TERM - ENGLISH - LESSON 2 -WE ARE ONE - BOOK BACK QUESTION ANSWERS

5ஆம் வகுப்பு - மூன்றாம் பருவம் - ஆங்கிலம் - பாடம் 2 - WE ARE ONE - புத்தக வினா விடைகள் 5TH STD -3RD TERM - ENGLISH - LESSON 2 -WE ARE ONE - BOOK BACK QUESTION ANSWERS 



 A. Fill in the blanks.

 1. Teddy took his pillow as a sign of ___________ them. 

a. giving fare well         b. welcoming        c. scolding 

2. Kani and Teddy were in the garden at __________.

 a. 11 PM            b. 10 PM          c. 12 PM

 3. Muthu collected ______ from every house.

 a. food           b. garbage          c. clothes

 4. Anbu was ________ old boy. 

a. 3 year         b. 4 year        c. 2 year 

5. Kani took Teddy out for a ______________. 

a. Part          b. walk       c. School

Answer : 1)   b. welcoming   2)   c. 12 PM        3)   b. garbage          4) c. 2 year            5) b. walk 
 B. Answer the questions.

 1. Why did Kani run to the kitchen?
Answer : Kani ran to the kitchen to find out why the dog was wagging his tail everytime
when selvi walked nearby.

 2. Where did Kani see the old cracked cup? 
Answer : Kani saw the old cracked cup in the kitchen.

3. Who were the guest to Kani’s home? 
Answer : Rani Aunty and her 2 year old son Anbu are the guest to Kani’s home.

4. What did Kani realize in the story?
Answer : Kani realized the value of humanity.

5. Do you think you treat everyone equally? Justify with an example. 
Answer : Yes, I treat everyone equally. I don’t mistreat my juniors and I always play with them

A. Math the clipped word and write it on the line. 

1. spectacles        auto _____________ 

2. microphone      maths _____________ 

3. automobile       cent _____________ 

4. mathematics     mic _____________

 5. centum             specs _____________ 

Answer : 

1. spectacles         -   specs 

2. microphone      -  mic 

3. automobile       -  auto

4. mathematics     -  maths

 5. centum            -   cent

B. Write down clipped words for the given pictures . 
Answer : 1)Cent       2)Photo       3) Fridge        4) Hippo         5)Gym

C. Write the correct clipped words on the line. 

1. I saw him in the _________________ (laboratory). 

2. I have _________________ (examination) next week. 

3. She acted in the ______________ (advertisement) first time. 

4. She bought a new ____________ (refrigerator).

 5. I saw some wild animals in the ____________ (zoological park). 

Answer :


A. Answer the following questions.

 1. How are we divided in real world? 
Answer : We are divided by religion, caste and creed.

2. Does the poet want diversity? why?
Answer : No, the poet does not want diversity because it divides people.

 3. Do you like this kind of world?
Answer : Yes, I like this kind of world
 B. Imagine your world and write its qualities in the cloud. 

Answer : 1. Gender Equality  2. No discrimination   3. No religion   4.  No caste  5. No pollution


Try this. 

Answer :

A. Choose the correct reflexive pronoun. 

1. Each morning, I brush my teeth and stare _________ the mirror. 

a. himself        b. herself      c. myself      d. itself 

Answer : c. myself 

2. Dad and I painted the trailer _______________. 

a. myself        b. himself      c. itself      d. ourselves 

Answer :  d. ourselves 

3. The children made holiday decorations by ________________.

 a. itself        b. ourselves      c. themselves     d. their selves 

Answer :   c. themselves 

4. Paul copies his friend’s homework instead of doing it _____________. 

a. itself        b. himself      c. myself      d. yourself 

Answer :  b. himself  

5. Please make ________________ at home while you wait. 

a. themselves     b. himself      c. yourselves     d. herself

Answer :   c. yourselves

B. Complete the sentence with correct reflexive pronoun. 

1. I like ___________.

 2. She put ____________ into the trouble.

 3. Teachers teach _____________ a new lesson every day. 

4. The machine will destroy ____________ once its task is done.

Answer : 1)Myself           2)  Herself      3)Themselves    4) Itself       5)Yourself

A. Fill in the blanks

 1. Tenzin is from ______ . 

2. Tenzin’s family first lived in ______. 

3. If we didn’t have boundaries, we don’t need _______. 

4. ________ fights with everyone in school. 

5. Miss Malliga teaches _______. 

Answer :

B. Answer the following questions. 

1. Who helped Tenzin in learning English words? 
Answer : Julie helped Tenzin in learning English words.

2. Name the places that Tenzin’s family lived in. 
Answer : Tenzin’s family moved around Tibet, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Mysore,Gurupura and Kollegal 

3. What are the difficulties they faced in India?
 Answer : They were not able to understand the system in India. They did not know how to get a house. They found shopping for food the most difficult job.

 4. Why did Tenzin cried every day?
Answer : Tenzin cried every day because he did not understand anything in the school.

 5. Why it is important for people to live without boundaries? 
Answer : Every year they need to go the government office to get their book signed.If they missed that, they would have to leave India. 


C. Try your own. 

Answer : 

D. Speak and win. 

Answer :  


Read the passage 3 times and colour the dove for each time.

 A leader and his followers went to Ooty. They shared stories to forget thigh pain from their tired legs. They decided to take some rest. When they were crossing a river, the leader saw a poisonous scorpion floating in the river. It was going die in the water. The leader wanted to save it but it bit him. Seeing this, the followers asked him the reason of why he tried helping it even if it bite him. The leader said that helping others is the nature of human and biting is the nature of the insect.

1.Where were they going?
Answer : They were going to ooty.

2.What did the leader see on the river?
Answer : The leader saw a poisonous on the river.

3.What is main idea of the text?
Answer : We should help others always


 How to write a paragraph 

We already know to write a paragraph, what are the parts of a paragraph? ___________, ___________, ___________ and ___________. Today, we will learn to write paragraphs with not 3 but 5 details. Can we try? 

 Write a paragraph on the topic ‘Park’

Answer : 

Park is a beautiful place.
It is a place full of fun and entertainment
We can see swing, seesaw and slides in the park
We have to keep the park neat and clean
Children should not go alone and visit the park

I Can Do 

A. Answer the following.
Answer :
 1. Fridge(Refrigerator)
 2. குளிர்விப்பான் 
 3. Fridge is used to protect the food

 B. Match the clipped words. 

1. Photo – mathematics 

2. Math – centum 

3. Cent - photograph 

Answer :  

1. Photo –  photograph 

2. Math – mathematics

3. Cent -  centum

C. Fill the blank with the clipped word.

 1. We bought a new ____________. (refrigerator) 

2. He broke his _____________. (spectacles) 

3. We visited the ____________. (zoological park) 

Answer : 1) Fridge   2) Specs     3)Zoo

D. Circle the pronouns.

 An old man lived in the village. He was one of the most unfortunate people in the world. The whole village was tired of him; he was always gloomy, he constantly complained and was always in a bad mood. 
Answer : 

E. Fill in the blanks with pronoun. 

1. Every morning, I brush my teeth and stare at _____in the mirror.

 a .himself        b. herself        c. myself      d. itself 

Answer :  c. myself 

2. The children made holiday decorations by _______. 

a. itself       b. themselves        c. theirselves      d.ourselves 
Answer :  b. themselves

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